Marek Szumowicz-Włodarczyk
President – General Director
Graduate of the Agricultural Academy in Poznań, master degree in Wood Technology, 1979-1984.
Participant of a cycle of courses for managing cadre.
Since 1984 in KPPD-Szczecinek SA. In the years 1984-1986 Master of Production Coordination in Świerczyna, then from 1986 to 1993 Deputy Director of the ZPD Świerczyna. In the years 1993 – 2008 Director in ZPD Drawsko Pomorskie. On 3rd June 2008 appointed President of the Board of Management of KPPD Szczecinek SA.
Bożena Czerwińska-Lasak
V-ce President – Financial Director
Graduate of the University of Szczecin, master degree in the Economics of Transport. Since 1988 in KPPD-Szczecinek S.A. in sequence: Reporter, Assistent Executive of the Economic Department, Executive of the Department of Human Recources, since 2003 Finacial Director, from 1st January 2008 Vice-President of the Board of Management.
Marek Wiktorko
Proxy – Technical Director
Graduate of the Higher School of Engineering in Koszalin, master technical degree. Completed postgraduate studies: management at the School of Entrepreneurship and Management Leon Kuźmiński in Warsaw and in the field of management at the College of Banking in Poznan. In the years 1982-1984 worked as a technologist at ZSI “Polam” Szczecinek. In the years 1984-1996 employed in PPiUR “Barka” Kołobrzeg in positions: from the equipment master to the deputy director. From 1996 employed at KPPD-Szczecinek S.A. In the years 1996-1998 the director of the Plant of the company – ZBM “Madrew”. From 1998, employed as the main investment specialist for the Company. From 19.04.2017, performs the duties of the Technical Director of the Company.
Grzegorz Mania
Proxy – Sales Director
Higher technical education in the field of wood technology – graduate of Agricultural Academy in Poznań. In the years 1991-1992 he worked as a technologist in Pilskie Fabryki Mebli in Trzcianka. In the years 1992 – 1993 Master and since 1993 Executive of the Production Department in “Polspan” sp. z o.o., then (1993-1995) manager of panels production department. Since 1995 in KPPD-Szczecinek S.A. in sequence as: Specialist Technologist, Executive of the Sales Section, and since 1999 Deputy Sales Director. From 1st of June 2015 Sales Director of the Company.
Eliza Stępniewska
Proxy – Deputy Technical Director
Graduate of Technical Mechanical School in Szczecinek. In the years 1971 – 1975 employed in Zakłady Sprzętu Instalacyjnego “Polam” in Szczecinek as Process Engeneer. Since 1975 in KPPD-Szczecinek S.A. in sequence as: Reporter of the Investment Department, Specialist Mechanician, Executive of the Investment Section and since 1999 as Deputy Technical Director.
Danuta Kotowska
Proxy – Main Accountant
Graduate of the Academy of Economics in Poznań, faculty Organization and Management (1984-1989), postgraduate study of the Technical University in Koszalin, faculty accountancy (1999-2000) and postgraduate manager study organized by the L. Koźmiński College of Enterprise and Management in Warsaw (2002-2003). Teacher of technical subjects at: the Group of Economic Schools in Ośno Lubuskie (1989-1993) and the Group of Agricultural Schools in Słubice (1993-1996). Since 1997 in the book-keeping department in KPPD-Szczecinek SA in the sequence as: independent accountant (1997-1998), specialist of consolidated accountancy (1998-2005), executive of the book-keeping department (2005-2008), since 10.01.2009 Main Accountant of the Company.
KPPD-Szczecinek S.A.
ul. Waryńskiego 2
78-400 Szczecinek
NIP: 673-000-62-31
KRS: 0000059703
Rejestr Bazy Danych o Produktach: 000015355